Category Archives: Alimony

What “Substantial Changes” Justify Modifying a Durational Alimony Award in Florida?
Durational alimony in a Florida divorce is meant to provide a former spouse with economic assistance for a fixed period of time. A durational alimony award will terminate early if the recipient remarries. Either party can also ask a court to modify a durational award based on a “substantial change” in circumstances. Florida Appeals… Read More »

An Overview of Florida’s New Alimony Law: Elimination of Permanent Alimony
The Law Office of Laura A. Olson, P.A., a Tampa alimony law firm, is committed to informing you about the latest legal changes, especially in family law. Today, we’re addressing a hot topic that has garnered much attention in Florida – the recent spousal support maintenance reform under Senate Bill 1416 (SB 1416). The… Read More »